ALL items on this list are required. DO NOT come to class without your gear. We breed gladiators and gladiators don't go to work without their tools.
A quality semi-automatic rifle or PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) with an optic or iron sights, a sling and a minimum of 2 magazines
If your rifle has an optic you must have your own boresight laser , sight adjustment tools and batteries
No reloads! See your course for exact ammo count
Electronic hearing protection and ballistic rated eye protection
Suitable for holding your magazines and gear
Wear a hat & suitable clothing for the weather. NO SANDALS OR OPEN TOED SHOES. NO LOW CUT TOPS.
Yes you need to take notes
Bring water. Drink water. Keep Fighting
Yes, you are required to bring snacks. They help you stay focused and boost your morale.
ALL items on this list are required. DO NOT come to class without your gear. We breed gladiators and gladiators don't go to work without their tools.
A quality long-range capable rifle
A quality scope including rings and any additional mounting hardware that is necessary.
Match Grade Ammo Only-No reloads! See your course for exact ammo count
Electronic hearing protection and ballistic rated eye protection
This is an outdoor training course. Everything you will need for the day must fit in your backpack.
Appropriate outdoor clothing , 2 pairs of socks + boots.
You will need a "write in the rain" or waterproof notebook. 2 pens and 1 pencil
Bring water. Drink water. Keep Fighting
Yes, you are required to bring snacks. They help you stay focused and boost your morale.
If you don't own a cleaning kit- you're wrong!
· 1 side arm + appropriate OWB Holster
· Range Finder (optional)
· Spotter Scope (optional)
· Shooting Mat (optional)
· Bipod or Shooting bags (recommend both)
· Rifle Sock